Open & Affirming Community
“Beginning with my first encounter with ECC I have experienced a warm, affirming welcome. Through ECC's outreach and its welcome to all who come through its doors, I believe anyone who is searching for a spiritual home in this fragmented world will find one at Evergreen Christian Church.”
- Bob Cooper
"ECC has been instrumental in supporting our mountain LGBTQ+ community. In 2018 they helped to co-found the group and have offered space in their church and opened their hearts to the group and their families. The teens adore Pastor Brandon and he has made himself available to support each of them. What an important part of our community for all, but especially the LGBTQ+ folks!"
- Heather Aberg
LCSW, Founder of Resilience1220.org
“I visited Evergreen Christian Church because it's an Open & Affirming church within the Disciples of Christ. The congregation is exceptionally loving and welcoming, and it means a lot to me to be part of the team working on inviting, protecting, and cherishing all the folks the larger church has failed. Every one of us is a beloved child of God, no matter what.”
- Jay Treat
“Our family joined ECC more than 20 years ago. ECC’s collective spiritual gift has been and continues to be hospitality. ECC lives out the teachings of Jesus by welcoming all, and by loving and supporting our neighbors in need locally and broadly. We’re working to build a future where we live and serve beyond
the walls of the church and into the community.”
- Becky Miller Updike
“Evergreen Christian Church is a place of healing. It offers worship, celebration, opportunities for service, and endless love and affirmation in a welcoming community. It has been my honor and joy to walk with them as we learned, grew and healed together. As an Open and Affirming congregation, everyone (and I mean everyone) is seen, heard, loved and included. Everyone is invited to follow Jesus and discern their path of faithfulness. I’m forever grateful for this amazing ministry.”
- Rev. Cheryl Breiner
Co-pastor, Fireside Christian Church, and former Interim Minister, Evergreen Christian Church
“My personal story with Evergreen Christian Church began in 1985 after reading an article in the Canyon Courier. For years I attended a mega church in Denver and at this time I wanted to connect with a church in the mountain community. When I walked into the ECC sanctuary, I counted about eighteen people in the pews. The new pastor, his wife and I were the youngest in the room. My first impression? This was family and I was home. In 2000 we moved into our new sacred space. The hospitality I experienced decades ago continues to be foremost in our church today. To be part of this congregation is to fulfill the mission of our calling to be 'church.'”
- Nancy A.
“I didn’t walk into a church until late in life, after a profound loss brought me to my knees. I knew I needed to be surrounded by people who were kind and supportive of LGBTQ+ people and their families. I took a chance on ECC and found what I was looking for. Life still has its ups and downs, but attending ECC has softened the hard edges, brought hope and healing into my life, and given me a place to channel pain into purpose.”
- Lisa C.
mom, ally
“As a queer pastor, it is incredibly important to me that the communities that I worship in and serve are places where I feel welcomed and wanted. This is absolutely one of those places. From taking a group of parishioners to the Denver Pride Parade to sharing communion with people and pups each Sunday, there is so much love and acceptance brimming from the hearts of this community. It is a good place to call home.”
- Rev. Brandon Proffitt
Current Pastor at Evergreen Christian Church
Our Community, Our Journey
April 14, 2019
ECC's final session of the six-week Open & Affirming Process
We began our time together by lighting a purple candle to invite Christ into the space and the Holy Spirit to guide us, and we read the corresponding section of the Rainbow Christ Prayer: “Violet is for vision, the wisdom of spirit. Interconnected Christ, you are our Wisdom, creating and sustaining the universe. Free us from isolation and grant us the grace of interdependence. With the violet strip in the rainbow, connect us with others and with the whole creation.”
We then focused our time in discussion and co-creation of the following Open & Affirming statement: “Evergreen Christian Church affirms and celebrates LGBTQ+ individuals
and families to be authentically who they are. We invite all to join in life’s faith journey, to serve together, and to create a safe haven for the marginalized. Together, we will continue to seek to understand the challenges of the Church to live out the mission of Christ in the world.”
April 21, 2019
ECC becomes a designated Open & Affirming church for LGBTQ+ individuals and families
During our Easter worship service, the congregation completed a consensus-based ritual to confirm their desire to become a designated Open and Affirming church for LGBTQ+ individuals and families. Each member came forward to weave a rainbow ribbon onto the flower-covered Easter cross as a sign and symbol of their individual commitment to an open and affirming faith and church. Then each person took a rainbow colored, heart-shaped lapel pin from the communion table as a sign and symbol of their commitment to live out the resurrected radical love of Christ publicly within the church and in the world.
Staying the course
We remain committed to the same vision and mission that started in April 2019, because we
believe that God loves everyone, without exception or agenda.