What to Expect

Who's welcome at ECC?
Evergreen Christian Church is an open and affirming congregation, which means that we are a community that is not only welcoming, but wholly inclusive of members of the LGBTQIA+ community, those who love them, and all those who find themselves on the fringes of society. You are welcome here.
What should I wear?
When we gather for worship at 10 AM on Sundays, you can expect to be in a community that wants to know your name and story to best be able to celebrate the you-ness that you bring to worship. We are a ‘come as you are’ type community where you will feel right at home in shorts and a t-shirt or a three-piece suit. We know that the clothes on your body do not represent the love in your heart.
Can I bring a drink into the service?
Feel free to join us in worship with your Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, local craft coffee, or brewed-at-home mug of coffee or tea. On most Sundays, we'll have coffee and tea available just inside the south entrance to the church.
What if I don't feel comfortable attending in-person?
Whether you're ill, homebound, immunocompromised, or otherwise unable or uncomfortable with joining us to worship in-person, we live stream each worship service on Zoom. We would love to see you in-person when the time is right.
What about my child?
If you have children, we welcome them in our worship experience. The cries and joy expressions of a child are not a disturbance or distraction, but a hallelujah lifted.
What does it mean to "pass the peace?"
We pass the peace each Sunday by taking a moment to greet our neighbors throughout the sanctuary with a nod, handshake, fist-bump, or hug. You are welcome to participate to the extent that you are most comfortable, free of judgment.
How does ECC use offering funds?
Our offering is a two-fold way that we support the ministry of the church. Our offerings not only support the budget of the church, but they support the missional work that we do in our community, region, and denomination. You are welcome to give through physical or digital means, or by offering your time to the work of the church.
How does Communion work?
Communion is where we most live into our identity as Disciples of Christ. We practice an open table, which means that you are wholly welcome to participate at the table, no exceptions. We practice communion by intinction in our church. To participate in communion, approach the communion table and those serving communion, by coming down the center aisle, tear a piece of bread from the loaf, dip it in the chalice juice, and eat it before heading back to your seat. Alternatively, we offer individual wafers and gluten-free crackers along with small cups of juice for those with gluten sensitivities. The communion is all prepared in the same space, so there is the possibility of some cross-contamination with the gluten-free crackers.
How can I connect with people when I visit?
After our service, there is time for fellowship and snacks in our upstairs fellowship hall. You are welcome to join us for some baked goods, breakfast treats, and tea, coffee, or water.
What else do I need to know?
Most importantly, we want you to know that worshipping with us is entirely what you want to make it. You are welcome to participate within your comfort zone, with as much or as little involvement as you need to feel comfortable and welcomed. Either way, we want you to know that this community loves you fully as a Beloved Child of God.
If you have any questions, please feel free to text or email Pastor Brandon Proffitt at 402-770-0169 or revproffitt@gmail.com.